Governing DocumentsConstitutionArticle I: NameThe name of the organization shall be the Georgia Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers. Article II: PurposeThe purpose of this association shall be to provide, by means of annual conferences and otherwise, for the dissemination of information and the interchange of ideas on problems of common interest, to contribute to the advancement of higher education, to foster a friendly spirit of unity and cooperation among its members, to provide professional development in the areas of records management, admissions, enrollment management, administrative information technology and student services, to promote a spirit of professional pride in the vocation, and to function as a unifying and coordinating agency among the educational associations and organizations within the State. Article III: Membership and VotingSection I: Active MembershipAny administrative or professional officer whose duties are concerned with admissions, registration, or records of students in any collegiate or technical institution in Georgia (or outside of Georgia when those duties directly serve the students and educational entities in Georgia) accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools, the Commission of the Council on Occupational Education, or any other recognized regional accrediting entity, shall be eligible for active membership and entitled to hold office in the Association. An officer of the Association shall remain entitled to hold office in the Association if their membership status changes to either Associate or Affiliate member and there is no break in the service while holding office. Section II: Associate MembershipAny administrative or professional officer in any collegiate or technical institution in Georgia (or outside of Georgia when those duties directly serve the students and educational entities in Georgia) accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools, the Commission of the Council on Occupational Education, or any other recognized regional accrediting entity, whose duties are not directly concerned with admissions, registration, or records of students, shall be eligible for associate membership. Section III: Affiliate MembershipIndividuals and organizations which are found to have purposes parallel with those of GACRAO and desire to participate in its (non‐voting) activities may be approved for this status by the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee as hereafter provided is empowered to approve all applications for affiliate membership. Section IV: Honorary MembershipIndividuals no longer eligible for active membership in the Association may be recommended for continued affiliation as honorary members. This honor is reserved for persons retiring or leaving the profession in Georgia who have made significant contributions to the profession and to the Association. Should an honoree reenter the profession such that he or she regains eligibility for active membership, the honorary status shall be deferred until honoree is again no longer eligible for active status. Section V: VotingAssociation business shall be conducted at the annual meeting by the members present. Voting may be by individual ballot in a manner designated by the President (show of hands, voice, or secret) EXCEPT that upon request of any individual member, an institutional membership vote must be taken. Institutional Membership entitles each institution to one vote. Institutions having more than one institutional representative shall be expected to designate one of its representatives as the voting representative. In addition to voting at the annual meeting, membership may be asked to vote on association business via electronic media (e‐mail, password protected voting through association website, etc.). Electronic voting will be limited to institutions in good standing (current dues paying members). Article IV: OfficersSection IOfficers of the Association shall be President, Immediate Past President, Secretary, Treasurer, Conference Chair, Member‐At‐Large I, Member‐At‐Large II, Member‐At‐Large III, and Member-At-Large IV. Section IIOfficers shall be elected at the annual meeting. A majority of the eligible voting members present shall be necessary for the election. They shall hold office from the adjournment of the annual meeting at which they are elected until the adjournment of the next annual meeting. Section IIIThe President shall assume office a year after being voted in as president elect. They will be the president-elect while completing their term in their current executive officer role. The President who completes a full term in office may not be re‐elected immediately to that office. They may be re‐elected after the expiration of one calendar year. Section IVIf a vacancy occurs in an office it shall be filled by the Executive Committee until the next regular election. Section VA. It shall be the duty of the President to assume full responsibility for all the general activities of the Association, to conduct all necessary correspondence with the members in regards to meetings of the Association, and with the assistance of the Executive Committee, to arrange the programs. In case the office of the President becomes vacant, the order of succession shall be the usual one. B. The Secretary shall keep an accurate list of the members of the Association and shall be responsible for keeping the minutes of the meetings of the Executive Committee and the minutes of all meetings of the Association and distribute the latter to the members. The Secretary shall send reports and proceedings of the meeting to the chairman of the AACRAO Committee on Regional Association and will assist the Treasurer in conducting the annual meeting membership registration. The Secretary will provide information to SACRAO and AACRAO (when requested) concerning activities of GACRAO, and will provide information to the website editor (when requested) for inclusion on the GACRAO website. The Secretary will also be responsible for maintaining the GACRAO archives. The secretary will also maintain a list of members and electronic mailing list and will coordinate the evaluation processes at the annual meeting. C. The Treasurer shall collect the membership dues, registration fees, other miscellaneous revenues, pay the bills as authorized by the President, and shall make an annual report at the annual meeting of the Association. The Treasurer shall assist the Secretary in conducting the annual meeting's membership registration. The Treasurer shall be elected to a two‐year term of office. D. The Immediate Past‐President shall serve in an advisory capacity and shall be a member of the Executive Committee and will serve as a member of the Professional Access and Equity Committee. The Immediate Past President will chair the Committee on Honorary Membership and Awards and the Nominations and Elections Committee. E. The Conference Chair will take full responsibility for the planning, coordination, and execution of the annual conference. They will be responsible for all facets of the conference. They will lead a conference committee to be chosen after the announcement of the date and location of the conference. The four members-at-large will be assigned responsibilities as follows: F. The Member-at-Large I (Conference Support) will support the efforts of the Conference Chair and participate in the conference committee. In addition, they will lead local arrangements and hospitality initiatives for the conference. G. The Member‐At‐Large II (Institution & Corporate Partnerships) will coordinate with corporate sponsors to determine appropriate sponsorship levels and engagement opportunities at the annual conference in line with the mission of GACRAO. This committee member will also secure signage as needed for various sponsorship levels. In addition, this member will lead membership efforts and will coordinate with the secretary and treasurer to ensure membership renewal processes are set and running properly. This member will oversee registration at the annual conference. H. The Member‐At‐Large III (Professional Access & Equity) responsible for developing sessions and workshops relating to access and equity issues year-round for our membership. This member will chair a committee that works to ensure that underrepresented populations have the opportunity to enhance their professional development through organizational participation. I. The Member‐At‐Large IV (Professional and Membership Development) will arrange and conduct the First Year Professionals’ Orientations at the annual meeting and coordinate the Mid‐Year Workshop. In addition, they will look for opportunities and resources for professional development to be shared year-round with the membership. Article V: AmendmentsThe constitution may be amended at any annual meeting of the Association by a majority vote of the members present and voting, provided the substance of the proposed constitution changes have been sent to the membership at least thirty (30) days prior to the annual meeting. BylawsArticle I: MeetingsSection IThe annual meeting of the Association shall be held at the time and place to be fixed by the Executive Committee after discussion by the members at the previous annual meeting. Section IISpecial meetings of the Association may be called by the Executive Committee. Article II: DuesSection IA. Active and associate members shall be considered institutional members and their membership fees shall be covered by the institutional dues. Institutions located outside of Georgia with active or associate memberships due to regional staff located in Georgia will be assessed at the $75 rate. **Dues are payable on or before October 1.** Section IIThere shall be a registration fee in an amount to be determined by the Executive Committee and announced by the Committee at the time of the annual meeting. Article III: Fiscal YearThe fiscal year of the Association shall be from July 1 through June 30. Article IV: Standing CommitteesSection IThe Executive Committee, composed of the President, President‐Elect, Secretary, Treasurer, the Immediate Past President, the Local Arrangements Chair, and four Members‐at‐Large, shall exercise those powers assigned to it in the Constitution and By‐Laws and shall act for the membership when necessary between regular and special meetings of the Association. Section IIA Committee on Honorary Membership and Awards shall be appointed by the President and shall be chaired by the Immediate Past President of the Association. This committee shall review nominations for honorary membership and nominations for the Distinguished Service Award and the Recognition of the Young Professional Award to be given in recognition of an outstanding contribution to the organization and to the profession. The name or names of the candidate or candidates, upon unanimous approval of the Committee on Honorary Membership and Awards, shall be submitted to the Executive committee for approval. Section IIIThe Nominations and Elections Committee shall be responsible for selecting a proposed slate of officers for the upcoming year and will present this slate of officers at the annual conference. This committee consists of five members including the immediate three past presidents. The Immediate Past President shall chair the committee. The two members‐at‐large of the committee shall be nominated at the annual meeting. (A past president of GACRAO should not serve as a member‐at‐large on the Nominations Committee.) Section IVA Committee on Resolutions shall be appointed by the President for each annual meeting on an as needed basis. Section VAn Auditing Committee shall be appointed by the President for each annual meeting. The committee shall audit the Treasurer's books for the preceding year. Section VISuch other committees as deemed necessary for the welfare of the Association may be appointed by the President. Article VII: AmendmentsThe By‐laws may be amended at any annual meeting of the Association by a majority vote of the members present and voting, provided the substance of the proposed By‐laws changes have been sent to the membership at least thirty (30) days prior to the annual meeting. |